Friday, January 10, 2014

Babbling and Talkin' like a pro!

James Ezra, my sweet and silly 17.5 month old, is talking like a pro!

He says "hi," his own version of "hello" and "more," "mama, dada, daddy, doggie, drink, food" and his sign language is excellent. Hs favorite sign is definitely movie ( if he signs it, he knows that he gets the luxury of sitting with a grandparent, aunt or uncle and watching one of his favorite music videos! Most likely something Tyler Ward or Roar, by Katy Perry) and he loves signing and saying more at the same time.

And! Just a few days ago, he tole me through sign that he needed a diaper change! Woot!

On another happy page turn, hubby Adam got a job!! He'll be working for Brinks Security. Pay is great, benefits are awesome, and we are now looking to move somewhere a little closer to Salt Lake.

Things are looking up in the Neal Household!

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