"My announcement that I had been leading up to came out about 8 weeks ago. James Ezra, now 10 months old, will be a big brother to another little Neal come November. I'll admit that the timing was not exactly what my husband and I had hoped for, but now, more than ever, I KNOW that things are supposed to be the way they are. Initially, finding out, I was filled with so many emotions that I didn't understand, that I didn't feel should be involved in finding out one is expecting. I was worried, anxious, and unsure of Heavenly Father's plan and if I could REALLY handle this. But now, as I'm a little over half way done with this pregnancy, I am excited and feel so much love for this baby. As I'm typing this, the sweet little baby is turning over and over and occasionally, there's a little part of my tummy that will move around as the baby moves within it. I feel blessed. I feel like I'm doing what I am meant to do by being a mother to not only one gorgeous little person, but two. I can't wait to meet him/her. (:
Two days ago, James Ezra was blessed! His grandpa, my dad, performed the blessing and although I don't want to go into details over the internet, I'll just say that he received a very special blessing and I am so grateful to be a member of this church." (:
The biggest and most important thing since then? Baby Christian was born. (: He's gorgeous, sweet, tender, wise...perfect. He decided to come 11 days early and has shown me from that (and his quick, natural labor/birth) that he does things on his own time. He's such a blessing to us and has made my small family of three a fun family size of four. James loves him...which is a huge bonus! He looooves giving him kisses and loves...so precious!! Adam's going to be getting into the Air Force Reserves! We have a few things to accomplish as a family first, but he's on his way to his dream of Para-rescue. I've gotten more involved in the Natural Birth world with my doula-ing and Placenta encapsulate-ing. I've started up Heavensent Birth Services and will dedicate more of my time to that once my little bambino is a little bit older. I've been working as a Freelance Hair and Makeup artist for photo shoots and such, and it's been a blast. I've happily named that part of my life Fleur de Beaute, and things are working out really well for it. Photo shoot tomorrow, actually (and one on Friday!) I've been challenging myself this year to do a Home Made christmas, and so far so good! I made a necklace today along with hand painted mugs, and a diaper cake, all while tending to my little men! (: I'll post pictures a little later, savvy? All in all, we're happy. Crossing my fingers that I'll be able to post more frequently!
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